From this page you find information about:
- committees
- information about being a sitsimaster
- other influencing possibilities
A large number of committees are open to all Opex members. The so-called closed committees are the baptism, revenge and Christmas gala activities, which consist only of the participants of a certain year course. In committees, the main organization is usually the responsibility of the board. It is possible to register for the committees throughout the year using a separate committee form, and closer to a specific event, the Board publishes a separate form for the committee for that event. For example, a May Day committee form is usually published at the spring meeting. You can participate in committee work according to your own endurance and interest.
During the year, Opex ry collects various committees whose task is to participate in the planning and organization of various events.
Committees of Opex ry
May Day committee
Recreation officials are responsible for instructing and organizing the May Day Committee. Recreation managers make a preliminary plan for the May Day schedule and reserve all pre-booked seats, such as the barn for Lato dances. The May Day Committee is responsible for arranging events before and during the event.
OKLive committee
In the fall, members of Opex are welcome to host Opex's own live music event. The government will reserve space for the event, but help is needed with, among other things, organizing the mixing, roasting and organization, as well as the visual look.
Excursio committee
The committee is responsible for organizing the entire excursion. The committee informs the members in good time about the plans, books flights and accommodation, and is responsible for arranging transportation. The committee also plans a program for the excursion and is in contact with the local universities of the destination, collaborating with them.
Anniversary gala committee
Once every five years, Opex has an annual celebration celebrating Opex. An annual celebration is usually a big event that starts in good time and so a committee is set up to organize it. In the Anniversary gala committee, you can get e.g. to design a visual look for the gala, to plan the program and to think about organizing the event. Joining the Anniversary gala committee will be announced about a year before the annual celebrations.
Other ways to influence and pariticipate
The Sitsi-masters

The sitsi-masters act in pairs on the sit-ups as song leaders and direct the course of the sit-ups. No training is required to work as a sitsimaster, although Opex occasionally organizes trainings. Since 2020, he has received the Sitsimestari overalls badge for acting as a Sitsimestari. If you are interested in working as a sitemaster, you can connect with Owl on Facebook, Instagram, website or you can also email!
Other influencing
You can influence and participate in Opex's activities in many different ways according to your own interests. The most common ways are to attend and give feedback on events. It is also easy, for example, to react to Opex Owl's e-mails or to tip ideas to the government.
At meetings of the Association, each member has the right to vote and influence. Among other things, a new chairman and board will be elected at the autumn meeting. The action plan for the coming season will be presented at the spring meeting, to which changes may be proposed at the meeting.
Owl's blog is constantly in need of content and you can write about your own hobby, an Opex event or an opinion. If a slightly larger engagement fits your calendar, then events such as sit-down masters, presenters, visual material creators, or bus ride entertainers are always needed for events. You can also offer your own skills for sports shifts or evening schools, for example. Cooperation partners are also needed all the time, so if you work in a place suitable for a sport experiment or cultural event, for example, you should give it a tip. A large part of Opex's committees are open to all Opex members. Any member of Opex may also join the Board without any previous experience.